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Our mission is to empower single moms to lead successful families despite the overwhelming adversity faced. At the same time foster a strong community of single moms to tackle the pressing issues that are shared by them.

Programme Mission

Ascending Hope is excited to announce our new initiative called "Single Moms, UNITE!", where we will provide support to Single Moms in crises. 

It’s a heavy burden being a mother, and doubly so when you have the task of raising children on your own.


Single mothers  may not always have immediate family members or close friends to help share the load with. Moreover if they become the sole breadwinner of the family, the mountain of stress will take  a toll not only on their physical but also psychological well-being.

We understand that all moms have their own emotional demons to battle. Whether it is managing the grief of losing a loved-one, or coping with the disappointment of a failed marriage or even the seething pain of betrayal. These emotions may be buried under the needs of  our children, but never forgotten. No matter what, WE single moms have to UNITE and soldier on for the sake of our children.

At " Single Mom's, UNITE!", We have a series of self-help programmes that support widows and divorcees emotionally and encourage interaction with others in the support group. Our befrienders programme can help moms cope with emotional related stress. We also provide new moms who are financially challenged with basic needs such as diapers and milk powder.

Moms are humans after all, we still need emotional support and pillars of strength to lean on to assist us in our lives. Don't feel ashamed or afraid to reach out for help. We need not be in this alone! Your information will be kept strictly confidential.

I am Super Mom! (1).jpg

For further information please contact Ms Deborah Queck @ 88762225 or drop us a private message on our Facebook page.

Let us support you!

Free Tuition

for your children

Free Tution @ Church with Teacher Adrian.jpg

Do not let a broken marriage affect your children.
AH provide free tuition to help your children stay on track and grow in a healthy environment.

Legal Advisory

know your rights

Judge's Table

Don't be afraid! Know your right and protect yourself. 
Seek advisory on the legal, dispute, and violence matters.

Support Group

journey with you

Support Group

Move on and be better!
Meet women who have similar experiences.
Every Friday 8-9.30pm
(Except 1st Friday of the month)

Family Counseling

your emotion safety net


Safe your marriage and your family.
We provide free counseling for husbands and wives, couples, and divorcees.

Small steps everyday - reach out to us.

I need support with (You may choose more than 1)

Great! We will contact you in 2-3 working days.

Our Stories
You are not alone!

I am Super Mom! (9).png

Have an Inspiring Story to Tell?

Want to contribute to the project?

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