Ascending Hope take care of the senior's needs by providing free haircut services at Whampoa Community Center, in collaboration with renowned hairstylists, Eddie Tan and Vince Toh of Xpect hair salon. They also head a group of trained volunteers from Ascending Hope, providing them with the skills to provide senior citizens of Whampoa with free haircut services.
Even in our society today, many families and individuals
need help for basic necessities that many of us take for granted. Ascending Hope provides food rations involves the collection, packing and delivery of food and household essential items on weekly basis, to needy individuals and families with financial difficulties.
We have over 50 Isolated Elderly from over Singapore whom we would like to provide a liveable place! This will be in collaboration with Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital helps to serve outpatients with home refurbishing and cleaning services. These outpatients are often isolated elderlies and the needy. We also serve the needy and elderly living in Whampoa rental flats.
This is what we do for our cleaning and home refurbishing services:
Cleaning – We assist in light washing and decluttering of space.
Refurbishing – We partially renovate homes, cleanse, repaint, wash, and change furniture where necessary.
For many people, these chores can be very doable, but for our beneficiaries, they are mainly elderly and do not have anyone to help them with this.
Inevitably, all people will age and experience both physical and cognitive conditions. This often hinders individuals in carrying out daily tasks such as housekeeping and buying groceries. It may be even more upsetting when these elderly people in need have no family members by their side to support them.
The Senior Befriending Program, in which volunteers befriend seniors in their neighbourhood, helps to fight loneliness and social isolation, while at the same time acting as an eye and ear for seniors so that their needs can be better understood and supported.
A volunteer befriender plays an important role in supporting seniors to age in place in their community and providing regular companionship and support for seniors in their golden years. Many volunteers have told us that through their volunteering, they have discovered a sense of purpose. They may have started out with a simple desire to give back to society, but eventually find that through their volunteer work, they have developed a special bond with the seniors whom they befriend.
Our staff and volunteers conduct home visits to offer the following outreach services:
Brief Case Management
Monitoring Well-being
Assisted-Living Services